
The mathematical formula to find Shillong Teer numbers

Mathematical formula

First of all thanks for the question, teer is the one that is very close to me and I am personally playing teer from last 10+ year and thought of answering this question.

Coming down to the topic, teer mathematical formula of Shillong teer : Its a controversial topic, many believe there are no formula at all and many rely on teer formula. As I am playing teer from a long time I have come across many formula and many of them works fine. before I share the formula let me clear one thing that teer formula will not give you success in everyday. If Formula 1 works today may be tomorrow Formula 2 will work, and there are many formula to choose from.

Sharing one of my favorite formula:

Choose any day result and expand all the numbers by using Groups & Points, out of these number will be in result at-least 1 time within 7 days (playing days, 6 day in a week is generally playing day) and at-least 2 times within 14 days.

Example: 08th July 2019, result was: 14-07


Group 14 => 14,41,46,64,19,91,96,69

Group 07=>07,70,25,52,75,57,20,02

Point 14=>86,68,95,59,77

Point 7=>07,70,25,52,16,61,34,43

Total Numbers are: 07, 70, 25, 52, 16, 61, 34, 43, 86, 68, 95, 59, 77, 75, 57, 20, 02, 14, 41, 46, 64, 19, 91, 96, 69


10th July 2020, Result : 29-41, Success

11th July 2020, Result : 34-82, Success

You can checkout shillong teer previous results or Shillong teer old results online and verify/back-test before accepting any teer formula as effective teer formula. I shall update other formulas on teer formula page, please do check them as and when I update.

I hope i could answer you and if not please do let me know, thank you.

Credit by-Admin,
Teer Counter BOSS


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